Monday, February 27, 2012

growing pains

I gaze about my cluttered house and see evidence of change in every corner.  My bookshelves hold chapter books that my six year old (who also lost her first two teeth) can now read.  Books that I've saved from my childhood are now bringing enjoyment to my oldest little.


I was organizing and cleaning today.  I'm trying to hoe out the junk (of which we have a lot!) and in doing so I noticed that time is waning away until my infant seat will find a new home.  There will come a time, shortly, that an infant seat will no longer grace my home and I'm a little sad about that, but I'm also thrilled at the four kiddos I have and their progress.


Excuse the messy living room, but Isabella's new trick is pushing a car around while she crawls.  I just cannot get enough of this little lady.  She even makes vrooming noises while she pushes them.  That being said she also growls and giggles hysterically.  I am enjoying her so much.



She is scrumptious
and that hair. goodness, that hair.


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