Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"Mom..." {top ten tuesday}

2011 4th
photo courtesy of thanker212

1.  "Mom, the toilet's overflowing!"

2.  "Mom, I couldn't find my toothbrush, so I used yours."

3.  "Mom, where's *insert the name of any child here*?"

4.  "Mom, there's poop on the floor."

5.  "Mom, have you seen Ana?"

6.  "Mom, Roman has a Sharpie."

7.  "Mom, Ana is naked."

8.  "Mom, I puked."

9.  "Mom, there's no more toilet paper."

10.  "Mom, Isabella climbed up the stairs!"

Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings

These, as well as many others are sayings that are heard often around my house.  All of them strike a different chord of panic in me, but I thought you'd enjoy seeing what the crazy life is like.


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