Sound familiar? The above story is a perfect example of my life when I haven't allowed myself time to not rush. I am an extremely productive person, I'd like to think. I enjoy accomplishing tasks and fitting as much as possible into one day. Just this morning by ten AM I had shoveled the driveway, made breakfast, made granola, written a few blog posts, emailed a few other people and was well on my way to making more scrumptious goodies. To not be functioning in a pell-mell all or nothing speed feels foreign to me, and yet I hear God whispering to me to slow down.
Is it because a busy life is a bad one? No. Could it be that I am not to be productive? No, I don't think that is it either. More so, when we are rushing, we lose our ability to obey God. If I can give myself a ten minute leeway, I could have spoken to that woman in the store and not thought anything about it. Instead, I'm running so late that I can't even say hi.
When my schedule is so chock-full that it keeps me from being able to be directed by God, then something has to change. It is imperative.
How do you feel about busy schedules
and rushing around?
If there was one thing you could
change about your schedule,
what would it be?