I've been waiting for this book to release ever since I finished Everson's Chasing Sunsets. I first got hooked on Everson's writing when I read This Fine Life.
Everson tackles some very tough issues in this novel without making it a total downer. Instead of the romanticized life, her characters are authentic, believable and easy to relate to...the way every character should be, right? Throughout this novel characters deal with the fallout of abusive childhoods and mental illness as well.
In this novel Everson utilizes flashbacks to keep the plot moving as well as keeping it interesting. I love that Everson excels at writing about ordinary people doing ordinary things with the same problems that many people deal with, but don't talk about.
In an age where many Christian authors are not talking about the hard subjects, it's encouraging to read work from an author who broaches such topics with class and grace while maintaining the integrity of the storyline.
While this is the "second" book in the Cedar Key Novels it can by all means be read alone, though if you haven't read Chasing Sunsets yet, I propose it be your next read!
I received a copy of this title for review purposes from Revell Publishing a division of Baker Publishing Group. All opinions are my own.
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